Not found – Mr.Children

Lời bài hát

僕はつい 見えもしないものに頼って 逃げる

君はすぐ 形で示してほしいと ごねる

矛盾しあった幾つもの事が 正しさを主張してるよ


ああ 何処まで行けば解りあえるのだろう?

歌や詩になれない この感情と苦悩

君に触れていたい 痛みすら伴い

歯痒くとも 切なくとも 微笑みを 微笑みを

愛という 素敵な嘘で騙してほしい

自分だって思ってた人格(ひと)が また違う顔を見せるよ

ねえ それって君のせいかなあ

あと どのくらいすれば忘れられんのだろう?

過去の自分に向けた この後悔と憎悪

君に触れていたい 優しい胸の上で

あの覚束無い子守唄を もう一度 もう一度

昨日 探し当てた場所に 今日もジャンプしてみるけど


ジェットコースターみたいに 浮き沈み

ああ 何処まで行けば辿り着けるのだろう?

目の前に積まれた この絶望と希望

君に触れていたい 痛みすら伴い

歯痒くとも 切なくとも 微笑みを 微笑みを もう一度 微笑みを


Lời dịch bài hát bằng tiếng Anh:

I rely on things unconsciously and run away
You complain to me immediately that
you want me to show you in some form

Numerous contradictions
tell us the right thing
Loving is pretty deep…

Aa how far do we go till we understand each other?
This feeling and frustration
that can’t be expressed in songs and poems
I want to keep touching you
even if you feel impatient when the pain follows
even if it’s suffocating that smile… that smile…

I want to be decieved with a wonderful lie called love

The person that I thought I was
showed a different face again
Hey, I wonder if it’s because of you

How much more before I’ll forget?
This regret and anger towards my past self
I want to keep touching you
In your arms that clumsy lullaby once more… once more…

The place I thought I found yesterday
I tried to jump again today
but not found… today’s not found

Floating and sinking like a jet coaster

Aa how much further till I reach there?
This dispare, love & hate piled in front of me
I want to keep touching you
even though you’re impatient when the pain follows
even if it’s suffocating
that smile that smile once more… that smile…


Thông tin bên lề: “Not found” là single số 19 được ra mắt vào ngày 9 tháng 8 năm 2000, sau đó một tháng đã xuất hiện trong album thứ 9 – Q – của Mr.Children. Đây cũng là ca khúc chính trong drama “Bus stop” của Nhật.